Well we are about to enter the home stretch of this year’s Winnipeg Fringe Festival. Thanks to our Jenny Revue Review Crew of Ray Yuen, Kaitlyn Kriss, Arden Pruden and Lisa Campbell who have done an excellent job in seeing shows this year. Another bouquet to regular frequent contributors Kevin Longfield and Konrad Antony, as well as everyone else that provided us with reviews. We couldn’t do it without you.

The Show Must Go On—I had a bit of excitement Thursday, while working my Fringe Team Leader shift at PTE, Chase Padgett (of Nashville Hurricane) came running out exclaiming “Does anyone have a car?”. Apparently he had completely forgotten that he had left his guitar at WECC after the Midnight Cabaret. So off we went on a hasty road trip to fetch the important instrument. Despite the interminably agonizing long wait for the Portage Place elevator, some cyclists riding on the sidewalk shooting by in front of us at the blind parkade exit, and the usual downtown traffic, the guitar was retrieved and he made it back before the doors were to open. All that was missing was “The Girl from Ipanema” playing in the elevator.

List of Reviewed Shows—I have added a clickable list of reviewed shows to the bottom of the page, to more easily view reviews for specific shows. It is not 100% foolproof as the linked pages may contain reviews for other shows in addition to the one you clicked on. It happens when other reviews have the other show’s Title as words in them, like clicking on “OCD” also includes the review from “Brain”. I’ll work on fixing that for next year. If you have seen a show that is not in our list (such as Diamond Girls) please send us your review to jennyrevue@gmail.com be sure to include your real name, the show title and what you thought of the show. Performers, send us those 80 words (or less) Shameless Self Promotions. Or if you have something else to say in general about the Fringe, send it in a letter. We will be adding a few more reviews Saturday morning, so if you can, get them in before then.

Jenny Awards!—Reminder! It is our time honoured tradition to hold the end-of-Fringe Bash to close out the Festival with some raucous revelry. So on Sunday July 24th at 10ish PM (an hour earlier than usual), join us upstairs at the King’s Head for our annual Jenny Awards. We create 13 kooky categories comprised of companies compiled from the content covered in this year’s Editorials, Reviews, SSP’s and Letters. The event is emceed by our own Shawn Kowalke of Horrible Friends. There is no accounting firm of Dewey, Cheetam and Howe minding golden envelopes of pre-picked winners. Instead, we leave it to the crowd to decide by voicing their approval for each company in that category, which is scored and tabulated by our human sound meters. Remember strength not length! The winner, who must have a member of their company present, receives one of our fabulous stuffed donkeys, lovingly hand-crafted by Michelle Cook.

Murray (Jenny Cyber Guru)