The Standoff

Floppy Fish Productions—Tom Hendry Warehouse

Musicals, comedy and lemons await you at this original musical. The songs were somewhat catchy. There were a few great physical gags and a hilarious satanic little girl. The show featured gorgeous harmonies and a very vocally talented cast. Unfortunately that is not enough to make an amazing musical. I found that the show went on way too long. It was a great, hilarious idea but it would be better suited as a short skit rather than a long musical. There were also a ton of microphone issues. The musical was very dirty with the amount of f-bombs, c-bombs, and any other language bomb you can think of. If swearing makes you uncomfortable at all, don’t attend this show. A great idea that just missed the mark in all aspects, and one you can probably skip this year.

Kaitlyn Kriss