The DnD Improv Show X

The DnD Improv—The Gas Station

The beloved fringe staple is back and bigger than ever before! They have seriously upped the production value for this year. Displayed the whole time is an interactive map where the DM (dungeon master for all the newbies out there) can show exactly where and who everyone is. I never had trouble in the past following along, but this helped even me out a great deal when I couldn’t quite remember what a character was called (there are 12 after all). Always funny and quick witted the cast brought all of us on a fun romp again. I did feel at times that the cast seemed a little two quick to jump in and sometimes ended up talking over each other. It was always reigned in however but the masterful DM or one of the more senior players. Another job well done and can’t wait to see next years adventure!

Kaitlyn Kriss