Nashville Hurricane

Chase Padgett (2)—PTE – Mainstage

I don’t care if this is a reprisal from last year’s Fringe. Major heart concerns prevented our friend Chase from from bringing us the brand new production he wanted to. I can’t get enough of this man, and Winnipeg obviously feels the same. You’d better get your tickets early as this Portland native tends to sell out. He is a master on two fronts, something rare to find. You can have the musician who can play his heart out; but can’t attempt a line. And the actor who can perform but has no musical talent. How lucky we are to have someone who has mastered every style of music, and can mesmerize an audience with his storytelling? He also takes time to interact with the audience, which adds a warm and different atmosphere for a part of the show. He also ad libs very cleverly and with a sharp sense of humor. I can’t imagine anyone who wouldn’t thouroughly enjoy this.

This is a fascinating tale of a child prodigies journey from what he is forced to do moving toward what he wants to do. Along the way you meet a cast of interesting characters; from the trailer park trash mom who gave birth to this idiot savant, to a villainous manager and a kindhearted, drunk of a blues musician who takes this young man under his wing.

Many people go up to him after his shows (Chase is also doing 6 Guitars in this venue) to ask to buy a recording of his incredible talent. The answer was, not available. But don’t despair, you can sign up for a mailing list and be the first to be notified of its release post September. Please don’t miss this. In fact, the whole set of 3 PTE theatres are packed with winners, so just stay all day and night in this comfy, AC’d location and pick off some great performers.

Lisa Campbell