Journey to Kalcedon Island: A Steampunk Adventure

Kiss the Giraffe Productions—John Hirsch Mainstage

Kiss the Giraffe is back with a fantastical new musical. This steam punk adventure follows two genius inventor sisters who set out on a quest to find their mother and their place in the world.

This show was fantastic! I loved the steam punk aesthetic that was very well integrated throughout. Steam punk, for those who don’t know, is a sci-fi genre set in the Victorian era with futuristic technology powered mainly by steam and gears. The set itself looked impressive with a giant backdrop and wings that were hand painted and filled with gears.

The cast raised the bar for musical theatre. I could easily see this show transitioning to Broadway with the cast being so talented. I couldn’t even pick a standout because the entire ensemble was so strong. The singing was beautiful and the dancing phenomenal. I was blown away by this cast and you will too.

The only issue I had with this show was volume. The cast was so strong that solos were often drowned out. I had a hard time hearing what was being sung to me so I missed some plot points. This is an easy fix with the addition of mics.

Bravo Kiss the Giraffe and congrats on another great show!

Kaitlyn Kriss