Hamlet Chapter Two: Back In Black

Dark Horse Theatre—Onstage at Pantages

Contrary to the content of this piece, I do enjoy a good Shakespeare spinoff and adaptations of his works. Every year there seems to be at least a few Hamlet parodies or re-interpretations. Hell, a few years ago I saw the entire play written into a half hour rap! (Loved it.)

This particular production places us in modern day Hollywood, as a scuzzy movie producer attempts to resurrect Hamlet in the form of a sequel (despite most of the characters having DIED in the original play). What follows is a hysterical, sometimes cringey (Hamlet a zombie? GOLD!) performance using a variety of actors, themes and outrageous ideas of how to bring Hamlet back to life in order to manage a sequel. We see a man broken by how horrid this entire movie idea is, and is baffled that it somehow turns into a cult classic (the Room, anyone?)

Its satirical, its clever and its very funny. Inserting plenty of the original prose from Hamlet, references to current pop culture and impersonations, what you’ll see is an entertaining, thought-provoking and interesting version of a much loved production. Definitely a new spin that in my years of Hamlet fandom I haven’t quite seen before. Its fun, so get thee to a funnery!!

Calantha Jensen