Throne Life

The Electronic Gospel—Asper Centre for Theatre and Film – U of W

This one man play follows a guy who has done wrong and falls at the feet of God to be reborn. One part EDM (electronic dance music) rave, one part spoken word journey, the actor transports then audience to what he believes heaven must be.

The actor was very into his art. He was 100% committed to telling this story and doing his characters justice, damn the consequences. This is what Fringe is supposed to be about after all, telling a story you believe in with all your heart even if people don’t like it.

I was one of the ones who didn’t like it. I knew I was in trouble 5 minutes in. A 10 minute long ‘intro’ was played that seemed to go on and on and on. It was a slow weird spoken-word piece that made little sense. This was followed by 5 original songs he poorly sang along to about Jesus that were 10 minutes a piece. This play is so cringe worthy I didn’t know if it was a big joke piece or a serious presentation of the gospel. In a final moment of comedic brilliance, the character comes out in a costume that I can only describe as Dr. Teeth (of Muppets fame) realness. This was my tipping point and it was all I could do to not laugh out loud.

A play that is so bad it doesn’t get the chance to get good, don’t waste your valuable time and money on this show.

Kaitlyn Kriss