
Shoestring Players—Planetarium

I would love to give you a reason to go see this, but I can’t. It’s not bad, but not rewarding either. It’s biggest flaw is the lack of a conclusion, which could have redeemed this show; and made it into something I could recommend. The fault lies not with the actors, but the script by Ellen Byron. It’s a two woman show, with Merri-Lou Patterson being entirely capable, skilled and charming. Laura Harrison flubbed many lines but recovered immediately and professionally. This was the first performance, so I will give that as her excuse. Both women did a fine job of developing their vastly different characters into people you could like, and relate to. The props were used to great effect, especially the wig and pillow. But in the end, this was a waste of time and talent. A shame.

The story flows nicely along but comes to a confusing, abrupt, dead stop. I had so many questions, and the ending made no sense because there was none. I was not the only one who felt bewildered. Everyone I talked to after the show, which ended 10 minutes early, said the same thing. The program asks how we feel about the end result, but there is none to react to. Why did Bev take and leave what she did, where did she go, and who won the contest? Too many questions and no answers. My main question is why did I go?

Lisa Campbell