Operatic Panic Attack

TJ Dawe—School of Contemporary Dancers

If you don’t see T.J. during the Fringe, you really aren’t doing it right! Known as the Fringe God, this absolute sweetheart of a man manages to stay humble, human and oh-so-engaging. His fame is entirely deserved; and he is the hardest working person on the Fringe circuit, with his hands on many other shows as well.

This new show introduces some new anxieties, musicians, experiences and interests. Who would of thought he had a love of opera? He is so popular because he is so human, so relatable; managing to sincerely make you feel what he feels. His story telling talent is monumental. He was in tears as he bared his soul, his weaknesses, his triumphs and his failures in relationships, Theatre and life. If you only see one show during the Fringe, I would suggest this with confidence. Enjoy!

Lisa Campbell