
Parachuting Camel Productions—Alto – Portage Place

I have never been to a Fringe show before, save for outdoor performances, so my experience was doubly special: Not only was I treated to my very first Fringe play, but it also happened to be a very good one. Letters is a story we can all understand; a story about a country whose every citizen, in their own way, wanted to do the right thing in the face of incomprehensible cruelty. Some were called to serve, some stayed behind and tried to keep things running, to maintain civility and normalcy. It is a story that we have all heard before, perhaps from grandparents or even great-grandparents, about the time when Canada learned that silence means complicity and when diplomacy will not work, we need to be willing to risk everything to stand up for what is right.

Set near the tail-end of WWII, Letters is the story of a family that must come to grips with the grim reality of being torn apart by war, uncertain if they will ever be whole again. Told through the letters that are written back and forth, brought to life by truly stirring performances of the talented cast, and made all the more poignant by current events. Be sure to see it as this Fringe season comes to a close – and be sure to bring tissues. There is only one more performance: Sunday, July 28th at 12:00PM, in Portage Place (3rd floor). While you’re there, reminded of all the times you have heard “Never Again” and “Lest We Forget”, please keep in mind that Never Again Is Now and this is not only a historical play but also a cautionary tale.

Alicia Benson