Is This Yours?

Al LaFrance—The Clock Tower – Portage Place

If I would have known this was the genius who brought us the wildly popular ’Ballad of Frank Allen’ and ‘I Think I’m Dead’, I would have been here sooner! He should have this in the program; not just on the handbills. I would have been upset to have missed this. This man deserves full houses; and I believe this new venue is scaring away some. Some have mentioned they thought this was an open air venue around the clock tower. This guy filled Venue 2 (I believe) in the past,so c’mon people! You actually have a chance to get in. Portage Place is loaded with amazing shows this year, so include this gem.

I loved this this show, due to his wonderful way with words, his generous attitude to others, his respect for oddities and old things, and our shared love of the treasure trove of thrift stores. The thread that holds the story together revolves around a weird, unknown board game that gave him a mission and led to a friendship with the inventor. Al is that engaging, sensitive, warm, quirky guy that you want to have a beer with. You should also see this show with him. He’s also just damn funny.

Lisa Campbell