Bossy Flyer—MTYP – Mainstage

Cast member Taylor Casas gave an intro prior to the opening where he called the show “circus.” While there are definitely circus elements to it, it’s more acrobatic than circus.

When I was younger, I was a gym-rat. I hit the gym everyday (every day of the year except Christmas Day, and only because the gym was closed), four hours each day. I benched over 300 pounds and one of party gags was to have people sit on my shoulders while I did push-ups.

Now watching HER do it with both the other actors on her back makes me appreciate just how much training and effort these dancers put into physical training and conditioning, not even counting the time they dedicated to the actual choreography and movement of the routine.

The routine itself is gorgeous from start to finish. They go through the movements with ease and elegance, deftly and dextrously. It’s beauty in its purest form and one of my favourites of this Fringe.

Ray Yuen