Curtain Call Collective presents Dark Horse Theatre’s “The Social”

Curtain Call Collective—CCFM Salle Pauline-Boutal

The show is set in the coat room of a Wedding Social, with scenes of various characters coming in and out and having interactions with each other. The entry and exit of people through an unseen door to the main social hall is simulated by a rising level of background music, which then fades away again. All the music was various well known songs from a social playlist which are readily identifiable though you only hear them for a short time. It really sets the stage.

The large cast give good performances as we learn of all the dysfunction between the various relationships of the characters behind the scenes of this wedding social that is going off the rails. A lot of the guests are pretty common character tropes, such as ‘The Wise Bartender’ or ‘Heart Broken Bridesmaid’, but they all fit in well. The story moves along nicely with a lot of great comedy as we see just how the various situations will all work out.

Murray Hunter