Daniel in Love (For One Night Only)!

Prairie Coast Productions—Son of Warehouse

In an endearing auto-biographical solo performance, Daniel unpacks (and packs away) the performative front he relied upon in his college years to endure the demands of modern life and (sometimes, maybe) loved ones. He soberly re-examines the alcohol-infused version of himself that relentlessly pursued peer admiration and immature concepts of romance in lieu of authentic self-expression.

The musical interludes that are meant to punctuate the actor’s exploration of familial examples of where the more enduring qualities of love might be found are mostly just long enough to negatively bring down the energy of this otherwise competent and heartfelt piece. Daniel is very relatable but perhaps not as clear as to where and how the love in his life guided him to a better place, and how that transformation serves him better today, beyond the obvious conclusion that alcohol is a poor substitute for personality.

Ashley Frantik