Little Red and the Werewolf

All About Theatre Kids—The Gargoyle Theatre

This was one of the only kids shows that I’ve seen so far this year, and it was silly. I am a huge fan of fairy tales and folklore, and I’ve recently been studying certain narratives more closely. One of which is the story of Red Riding Hood. I have seen and read many different variations of this tale, but this one was by far the wildest. Twists and turns all over the place, with new and imaginative elements added that take the story far from its roots. I think the writing itself was rather chaotic, but I am impressed by the children’s ability to share multiple roles and play the show in an entirely different arrangement of casting each night. The live music is also a treat. The Q&A was great, as many kids in the audience had questions and I hope they are inspired to get involved in theatre as a result of seeing shows they enjoy.

Calantha Jensen