Photos by Squid Eye Lens Photography
On the last night of the 2022 Winnipeg Fringe, we gathered at Across the Board Game Cafe for our end of Fringe Awards Show and Wrap Party. A huge thanks to Nick and the staff at Across the Board for hosting us this year. We apologize to those who might not have got the message that we were going to be in a new location. As much as we love the King’s Head, and appreciate their long term support, we decided to move to a new location because we wanted a space that was accessible to all. We will try and do a better job next year on getting the word out to all earlier in the festival. We will be hosting next year’s Jenny Awards at Across the Board again next year, so it was the start of a new tradition.
We were short a couple of our crew that night as both our regular Master of Ceremonies Shawn Kowalke and one of our reviewers Lisa Campbell were isolating due to Covid. Big thanks to Ray Yuen for filling in as MC and also doing double duty in photographing almost all of the winners. Apologies to Ingrid Hansen and Tamlynn Bryson who in the rush of presenting we didn’t get pictures of them getting their award.
Our lovely awards were created by hand by Michelle Cook, who wanted everyone to know that the material used for the bodies of the wee donkeys was repurposed from some nurse’s scrubs as an homage to our hard working health professionals.
Below are the categories with the winners highlighted in bold:
1. It Is a Zoo Out There!
(an award for working with a bunch of animals)
- The Sex Life of Butterflies [Martin Dockery]
- Crabs Gone Wild [Pinchy Productions]
- Horseface [Alex Dallas Productions]
- Bushtits, Shih Tzus and Private Dicks: All’s Fur in Love and Noir [Theatrically Obsessed]
- Shadow Kingdom [The Wishes Mystical Puppet Co.]
- Field Zoology 201 [Shawn O’Hara]
2. Don’t Speak…I like to Move It Move It
(an award for shows that don’t need a lot of dialogue)
- THREE [Bossy Flyer]
- FERN [Horse & Engine]
- Minoosh Doo-Kapeeshiw [Echo Theatre]
- Tango to the Pointe [PointeTango]
- Journey to the Centre of the Earth [Studio Accelerando]
3. Stand Up and be Counted! or Up Against a Brick Wall
(an award for the Stand-Up acts out there)
- Stéphanie Morin Robert: BLACK EYE (a live comedy album recording) [Stephanie Morin-Robert Performance Society]
- Blueberries Are Assholes [TJ Dawe]
- Paco Erhard: Worst. German. Ever. [Paco Erhard]
- Pretty Beast [Kazu Kusano]
- Gabe Mollica: a Solo Show About Friendship [Gabe Mollica]
- Chris Gibbs, Old is the New New [Kelly Finnegan Productions]
- God Is A Scottish Drag Queen (Best Of) [Mike Delamont]
4. When the World Gets You Down
(an award for shows that delve into the dark past or possible bleak futures)
- All of Human History in 7 Stories [So Lonely Productions]
- A Thousand Words [C. Neil Parsons]
- Eleanor’s Story: An American Girl In Hitler’s Germany [Ingrid Garner]
- Six-Legs [Second Date Productions]
- Se’ed [jurasco]
- CIVILIZED [By the Book Productions]
5. Let’s Take a Holiday or a Little Trip
(the we could all use a break award)
- The Happy New St. Paddy’s Valentween Thank Hallow Xmas Day Show [Crosseyed Rascals]
- AWAY, NOW – The World’s Most Desired Destination [Paul Strickland Presents]
- mr.coffeehead [Spec Theatre]
- I’M BATMAN 89-97 [Rod Peter Jr.]
- Kateryna and Havrylo [Ce-Lee Productions]
- Slowly and Sideways [Shoestring Players]
- As It Turns Out… [TBA Productions]
6. Monster Mash
(an award for … nevermind you are just going to say it was a graveyard smash)
- Monster Makers [North Kildonan Community Players]
- Bat Brains or let’s explore mental illness with vampires [Scantily Glad Theatre]
- The Dungeons ‘n’ Dragons Improv Show XIII: The Loom of Annihilation [The DnD Improv Show]
- Something in the Water [S.E. Grummett]
- A Grave Mistake [A Little Bit Off]
- Macabre Tales of Horror and Macabreness (kinda?) 10 Year HELLebration [Puppy in Pants Productions]
- Buckets of Blood – Fairy tales not for kids [Stories Alive]
- The Ultimate Actor’s Nightmare [Club Soda Improv]
Editors Note: This was a close 4 way race with A Grave Mistake, Bat Brains, and Something in the Water all within 1 point of Macabre Tales.
7. But Sting Told Me Love Was the 7th Wave
(an award for Tales of Love or at least have Love in the Title)
- Romeo & Juliet [Indifferently Reformed]
- Charming & Rose: True Love [R-G Productions]
- Courtship [Snakeskin Jacket]
- Are You Lovin’ It? [Theatre Group GUMBO]
- King Warrior Magician Lover [Wolfhaven Productions]
- List of People I’ve Killed (A Love Story) [PMF Productions]
- Murmurs of Earth [MaxQ Productions]
8. All Alone and Desperate
(an award for Solo Performance)
- Wait So Do I Make Out With A Pan? [Buried Seeds Productions]
- Scattered Seeds [Kolja Company]
- The Paladin [THEATrePUBLIC]
- The Disney Delusion [Prosperity Mule Productions]
- Daddy’s Boy [Erik de Waal]
- The Truth(tm) [Still Your Friend]
9. Hear our Voices!
(an award for stories told through song)
- BEFORE BREAKFAST: An Opera in One Act [Naomi Forman Productions]
- A Toast to Prohibition [Melanie Gall Presents]
- Josie & Grace [PKF Productions]
- Songs From A Wine-Stained Notebook [Big Empty Barn Productions]
- CABARET SIDE SHOW [Wall Street Theatre]
- Tomatoes Tried To Kill Me But Banjos Saved My Life [Quivering Dendrites]
- Chase Padgett: Lucky Break [Chase Padgett]
- The Ballad of Johnny Boy [Walk&Talk Theatre Company]
10. Mysterious and Magical Mysteries
(They will put a spell on you)
- Grumplestock’s [Eleventh Hour]
- Dirk Darrow: Magic of Future Past [Tim Motley]
- The Great & Powerful Tim: Magic Tonight [The Great & Powerful Tim] *
- Fringe Family Fun Show [Comedy Illusions of Greg Wood]
- An Evening of Magic & Mystery with Ken Sky [Ken Sky]
* Editors Note: The Great & Powerful Tim won the vote but was not present, so the Jenny went to Tim Motley.
11. Guy’s Night Out
(Bro… an award)
- Hockey Night at the Puck & Pickle Pub [Monster Theatre]
- James & Jamesy: Right This Way [Alastair Knowles]
- Generic Male: Just What We Need Another Show About Men [PUSH Physical Theatre]
- The Stakeout [big word performance/ jem rolls]
12. Is There a Doctor in the House?
(an anatomically incorrect award about body parts and what can go wrong with them)
- Epidermis Circus [SNAFU]
- Bedwetter [Drawing Board Productions]
- I Am The Most Unfeeling Doctor in the World (And Other True Tales from the Emergency Room) [Melissa Yuan-Innes]
- Symptom Circus [Chronically ch(ill)! Productions]
- Brown Wasp [Saw Toe Productions]
- The Beginner’s Guide To Suicide [Dark Horse Theatre]
- Contractions [Best of Luck Endeavours]
- Underbelly [Aaron Malkin]
Editors Note: There was a tie between Epidermis Circus and Bedwetter, and Ingrid and Tamlynn decided to share the Jenny Award instead of using the Tie Breaker. Congrats to both!
13. A Variety of Sketchy Comedies and a Pair of Parodies
(an award that conveniently catches everyone else who was in the Jenny)
- Everything’s Actually OK: a variety show [S.P.I.C.E. Productions]
- Family Dinner: Part 3! [Family Dinner Comedy]
- The Morning After With Pam & Paula [Power Pause Productions]
- Juliet: A Revenge Comedy [Ryan Gladstone]
- Meagre Joys [Project Pigeon]
- Ask Me Anything? [Keep It Movin’ Productions]
- Lost and Foundling [MTYP’s Summer Studio]
- Movie Musicals [Move The S Productions]
- One Man Back to the Future (A Parody) [Historic Jukebox]
Congratulations to all the winners. Thanks to all the nominees and all the great shows out there. I hope everyone had a great time, and that you will join us next year in celebrating our 30th year of the Jenny Revue.
Murray Hunter

Well it is the last day of the Winnipeg Fringe. It goes by so fast. A huge thanks to everyone who helps make this festival great. Apologies to the performer’s whose shows we didn’t get to cover. Get out there and enjoy as many shows as you can today. Then at the end of the day join us at Across the Board Game Cafe for the Jenny Awards.
The Fabulous Jenny Awards—Just a reminder to join us at at our new licensed and accessible venue Across the Board Game Cafe on Sunday July 24th (the last night of Fringe) for our wrap party and awards show. The evening will be emceed by our wonderful host Shawn Kowalke of the Horrible Friends Improv Group. Doors will open at 9:30 pm with the Awards show starting at 10 pm(ish).
Any company who has been mentioned in the Jenny, either in a Review or Shameless Self-Promotion, may end up nominated for one of our 13 fun categories. We then leave it up to the crowd to determine the winners. The only caveat is you have to be in attendance in order to claim your award. If the winner is not in attendence then who ever had the next highest score takes home the prize.
The prize is a highly coveted fabulous hand stitched Jenny Award created by our very own Michelle Cook. With a lot of hard work she creates a stunning herd of Donkeys with a different theme every year. Stay tuned to our Twitter Feed @JennyRevue for the first pictures of the unboxing of this year’s prizes.
Murray Hunter
Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Studio Accelerando—The Rachel Browne Theatre
Creative, family-friendly, and FUN: this is a Journey that everyone should go on! An idea to adapt the Jules Verne classic into a physical theatre piece was well-developed and flawlessly executed. What more could you want at Winnipeg Fringe?
Well, if you’re a budding actor still hung up on his line count, you might also witness a valuable demonstration of “it’s not what you say; it’s what you do”.
There is a rich soundscape, despite being presented in mime. In addition to musical selections and voice-overs by the Director (Colin Bruce Anthes), the performer (Robert Feetham) continually provides his own sound effects, in what might be described as the Foley equivalent of beat-boxing.
A programme quotation that “the human being is richer than the greatest stage effects that exist” tells us in advance where this company is coming from. With no scenery to speak of, Mr. Feetham’s unwavering commitment to creating each and every moment of the story pulls us deep beneath the Earth’s crust, where we share in The Professor’s fears and exhilarations at the fantastical creatures encountered there.
John Chase
Brown Wasp
Saw Toe Productions—The Fountain – Portage Place
Sarah St. John is a woman on a perilous inner journey and searching for a cure in the healing waters of Lake Manitou. She has survived serious health crises in the past and now faces treatment for a malignant lump in her breast. “Brown Wasp” is brought to life by Megan McArton who reflects with gentle humour and ragged stoicism on the realities of aging and the myriad challenges both great and small that she must navigate. This tender, intimate, and determinately hopeful play was a perfect gift to an appreciative audience. We were glad it was the only show we saw that day so we could savour it more thoroughly.
Barbara Fawcett
The Disney Delusion
Prosperity Mule Productions—The Studio at Le Théâtre Cercle Molière
I’ve done some crazy things for love, or rather, attempts at love. The cumulation of the whacky things I’ve done do not close to the outrageous things that Oleson-Cormack has done in pursuit of a relationship.
Feverish, funny and fantastical, this adventure delivers entertainment on all fronts. Love it.
Ray Yuen

It is the home stretch of the Winnipeg Fringe. We have over 90 reviews for 87 shows, which is not too bad for a rag-tag outfit. Thanks again to all those who sent us in reviews and to our own staff reviewers, Lisa Campbell, Josh Fidelak and Ray Yuen, who put in some very long hours filling these pages. Thanks also to Michelle Cook for her talents and hard work in creating this year’s Jenny Awards (more on that below). Last, but not least, thanks to Dave Pruden for his amazing cartoons which always make us look good. We have printed one last print edition which should hit the Jenny Boxes in Hospo and the Beer Tent early Friday afternoon.
The Fabulous Jenny Awards—Just a reminder to join us at at our new licensed and accessible venue Across the Board Game Cafe on Sunday July 24th (the last night of Fringe) for our wrap party and awards show. The evening will be emceed by our wonderful host Shawn Kowalke of the Horrible Friends Improv Group. Doors will open at 9:30 pm with the Awards show starting at 10 pm(ish).
Any company who has been mentioned in the Jenny, either in a Review or Shameless Self-Promotion, may end up nominated for one of our 13 fun categories. We then leave it up to the crowd to determine the winners. The only caveat is you have to be in attendance in order to claim your award. If the winner is not in attendence then who ever had the next highest score takes home the prize.
The prize is a highly coveted fabulous hand stitched Jenny Award created by our very own Michelle Cook. With a lot of hard work she creates a stunning herd of Donkeys with a different theme every year. Stay tuned to our Twitter Feed @JennyRevue for the first pictures of the unboxing of this year’s prizes.
Murray Hunter
More Reflections From Our Review Coordinator Ray Yuen—A colleague of mine asked what I’m doing tonight. “Fringe!” was my answer, “just like every night!” I tell him that I review for the Jenny and he wondered if Jenny was my penname or alias. I sent him the link and he ploughed through a few of my reviews. He was particularly interested in Contractions, because it blasts HR. He said he wanted to see it and ask how,
“Is it online?”
“No, it’s in person,” I replied.
“For f__k’s sake,” he exclaimed, “what isn’t available online in this age?!”
“Uh, it’s Fringe.”
He looked lost. He didn’t have a clue what the concept of Fringe is about. He’s heard about it on the news but he had no clue what it is in actuality. I explained to him that it’s theatre, same as any other theatre, opera, ballet, symphony or concert—you attended and watch the show.
“F—k that,” was his answer.
Meanwhile, another colleague overheard and read a number of my reviews. He expressed great interest in seeing a show and promised to read thoroughly through The Jenny to find ones of interest. This weekend, he’s going to bust his Fringe virginity and see his first shows with his family.
After almost every Fringe show, the actors tell you that word-of-mouth is key to attracting people to The Fringe. They say it because it’s true. The people reading the reviews from The Free Press and especially The Jenny are probably Fringe fans already. They have preconceptions about what they want to see and that’s how they prepare their viewing schedules.
Main media’s star system drives a lot of interest but what about the mass majority that get three stars? Just because a sportswriter from The Free Press didn’t deem it worthy of more stars, doesn’t mean it’s not a good or excellent show. How do they attract viewers?
Word of mouth from people like you.
I may not have recruited colleague #1 but colleague #2 and his family will be part of the audience soon. Being his first experience, I want him to hit winners. First, read The Jenny. Second, I’ll tell you what some of my favourites are.
Word of mouth.
Ray Yuen
The Truth ™
Still Your Friend—The Output at Video Pool Media Arts Centre
With humour and flair Adam Bailey draws upon personal anecdotes and historical references to get to The Truth.
Does the truth set us free? Should we correct someone when their truth is less than accurate? When does the truth matter and when is it unwarranted? Adam has a gift for words and weaving thought provoking tales. If you’ve ever said or received a “well, actually…” then this show is for you. Entertaining and recommended.
John Gordon
Charming & Rose: True Love
R-G Productions—MTC Up the Alley
When the first word that comes out of your Fairy Godmother’s mouth is “shit,” you know things are amiss—and there’s a lot amiss going on around here.
The opening dance segment led me to believe for a bit that this was going to be a dance show, since it went on for a fair number of minutes. The dance acted like a prelude and overview of the show to come, and it already gives you the sense that this is not a typical feel-good kind of fairy tale.
With names like Prince Charming, Fairy Godmother, and the concept of being raised by wolves, you expect a ludicrous comedy and satire that mocks all things traditional. Instead, what we have is a drama worthy of the most horrifying and shocking of Shakespearean tragedies. Metaphors underscore the dialogue and storyline of the darkest side of hideous and heinous human behaviour and human expectations.
Ray Yuen
Gabe Mollica: a Solo Show About Friendship
Gabe Mollica—The Cinematheque
As the write-up in the guide says, this tale relives Gabe’s relationship trials. Amusing and comical at times, Mollica had a hard time engaging this audience. There were some giggles at the right moments, but I felt a definite disconnect between his tale and the listeners’ emotions.
For me personally, I found “you know” a distraction. It’s not as blaringly obvious as some people who say it after every sentence, but Mollica says it enough where it was an irritation. It wasn’t nails-on-the-blackboard irritating but mosquito-in-the-ear irritating. I know; it’s nit-picky but if you want to tickle the audience, you shouldn’t irritate them.
Ray Yuen
The Dungeons ‘n’ Dragons Improv Show XIII: The Loom of Annihilation
The DnD Improv Show—The Gas Station Arts Centre
It’s no wonder that the show constantly sells out, huh. A solid mix of high level improv skill, fantastic guests from other Fringe performances, and just enough structure and random rules to satisfy folks coming in for the D’n’D tagline. With nightly performances ensuring story continuity, there’s a great opportunity for anyone who really wants to keep following the show over the entire run, and for people who just want to check it out one night, there was more than enough context and explanation to ensure that no one was lost. For any fan of improv and fantasy roleplaying it’s a classic for a reason.
Josh Fidelak