7 Minutes In Kevin
Written & Performed by Kevin Gillese
Wackatoolis Incorporated - Atlanta, GA
V.11 - Red River College Polytechnic 
Kevin Gillese's first solo comedy show is a collection of jokes, stories and maybe a little more. It's personal, it's powerful, it's hilarious. Only attend if you're ready to laugh at the horror of it all.
4 1/2 STARS side-splittingly hilarious - Edmonton Journal

Contains jokes about drugs and alcohol, violence, mental health, self-harm and other sensitive topics.

Alison Rae Clark

Show Info:
60 minutes


Coarse Language, Sexual Content

Thu July 18 7:00 PM
Fri July 19 7:15 PM
Sat July 20 4:15 PM
Sun July 21 4:15 PM
Mon July 22 2:30 PM
Tue July 23 4:00 PM
Wed July 24 7:15 PM
Thu July 25 5:45 PM
Fri July 26 7:15 PM
Sat July 27 2:30 PM
Sun July 28 2:30 PM

7 Minutes In Kevin

Wackatoolis Incorporated—Red River College Polytechnic

Life got you down? Overwhelmed by the incessant horrors and struggles of existence? Then Kevin Gillese’s irreverent comedic stylings might be just what you need. His beautifully structured, mostly-solo show combines storytelling, one-liners, musical interludes, and endlessly self-deprecating humour into a thoroughly enjoyable hour of entertainment. From the delightfully absurd, self-aware sketch-style opening to the shockingly touching finale, this show doesn’t ask you to look on the bright side of life. However, some light might sneak through the cracks by the end, whether you want it to or not.

Ashley Frantik

7 Minutes In Kevin

Wackatoolis Incorporated—Red River College Polytechnic

Well, being Mr. Gillese name is “Kevin”…I was obliged to attend. Kevin, has stepped out of his improv shoes, and finally decided to do a solo show…nervously I might add, but looking like he was having ball, sharing his sometimes demented dark hilarious POV, with which he expects us to agree, positively or negatively! He had us all holding our collective guts as we bent over in laughter with his life’s slightly twisted tales of opinion.

He had a keyboard player for ambience, not that the show required it, but it was a nice bounce off for material.

I particular like the segments on one liner observations, much in the comedian Steven Wright style of delivery.

Even if your name isn’t “Kevin”, by all means, attend and visit the mind of Kevin. “the Horror, the horror…”

*Side note: Kevin is/has been performing with the “Whose Line”..star Colin Mochrie at his sold out 3 shows (in PTE) and informed us Mr. Mochrie will be attending this Sunday’s “7 Minutes with Kevin” performance. If you don’t have tickets for Mochrie, you may see him at Kevin’s show, if you show up!!

Kevin Campbell