Always Because: The Adventures of Maggie and Meghan

Us <3—The Cinematheque

This person has toxic masculinity and it correlates with them having a Bachelors’ Degree in Public Policy. I have a Masters’ Degree in the stuff; what does that say about my toxic masculinity! Yikes!

Because we share the field, I related very closely to some of the “realisms” that were presented, completely understood them, and the challenges deriving from them. I’ve even tried on many occasions to eliminate some of those toxic fibres from the public systems, and I wish it could be a lot easier said than done.

That’s just one facet to this show—don’t think that it’s all going to be dry schlock about public administration. There’s a lot of fun here too. And they seem like they’re genuinely in love. Good on them!

Ray Yuen, M.P.A.