Ragmop Theatre—MTC Up the Alley

What if you had a different type of body? Different as in the type of skeleton you had. Endoskeleton (which is our only experience), Exoskeleton, or Hydrostatic Skeleton, which would be the best? Amica Hunter poses this question to the audience in their new solo show. The show starts with a very different way of communicating with some audience members and then moves on to a striptease that goes a little further in a somewhat different way than you would expect.

The creativity in performing examples of creatures with the other two skeletal systems was masterfully done. All in all a very thought provoking show. I notice I have used the adjective ‘different’ several times, but different can be good (especially at the Fringe), and in this case it was great fun.

Murray Hunter

Ragmop Theatre


~From 1/2 of comedy duo A Little Bit Off (2x Edmonton Best-Of-Fest)~

International Comedian & Weird-Lil’-Gremlin, Amica Hunter(they/them) is your basic multi-layered mammalian organism – a creaking calcium scaffolding wrapped in wet pulsing blood tubes and layers of raw meat, all dipped in a skin coating and rolled in hair. Like some sort of effed up, sentient, caramel apple! Join Amica as they consider a puzzling question – what is THE BEST type of skeleton? You decide..