Anesti Danelis: This Show Will Change Your Life

Anesti Danelis—Théâtre Cercle Molière

There are 140 companies at this Fringe. I would make this your 141st choice. I’ve never walked out of a show in 30 years of Fringing but my eyes kept drifting longingly towards the exit.

His funny bone resides in a deep, dark place where it should have remained. The bulk of this show is saying the quiet part out loud. I could forgive him if any of what he did was funny. The few forced laughs were only from those obviously taking advantage of the bar. There were lots of ‘ewwwws’ from the crowd. And it’s pretty hard to disgust we open-minded Fringers. He forgot where he was at times, and mis-spoke frequently. The funniest moment was when he forgot the name of a patron and she quipped “Well, you changed my name”; referring to his title.

Lisa Campbell