Butterfly Dreams
by Felicity Friar
Rem Lezar Theatre - Winnipeg, MB
V.5 - Son of Warehouse 
A butterfly hovers closely
And then quickly moves away,
Swiftly going where so ever
Her heart may freely say.
The butterfly only knows
How it feels to have wings,
To kiss the petals of flowers
In such elegant flitterings.
To have but one moment
Of such an exquisite flight,
Would be like a dream
Where all seems so right.
~Author Unknown~
Come join us as we explore the concepts of dreams, metamorphosis and perspective through an artistic medium of sound and movement in this 30-minute original piece.

Christian M. Leeson

Show Info:
30 minutes


Thu July 18 9:00 PM
Fri July 19 12:00 PM
Sat July 20 6:30 PM
Sun July 21 9:15 PM
Mon July 22 1:45 PM
Thu July 25 7:45 PM
Sat July 27 3:00 PM
Sun July 28 1:00 PM

Butterfly Dreams

Rem Lezar Theatre—Son of Warehouse

This is a particularly whimsical dance art piece. I loved the live musical score to accompany the movement, and the curious and creative use of song and sound. It is a show full of surprises and a sweet playfulness. It is rather abstract as well, and I found my imagination swirling around as I watched the performers, trying to determine what story they were telling. It was beautiful and ethereal.

Calantha Jensen