Cabaret of Murder
by Blair Moro
Blair Moro - Vancouver, BC
V.4 - CCFM Salle Pauline-Boutal 
John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, Dennis Rader, David Koresh and Charles Manson. What do all of these people have in common? Art! ...and also murder, but mostly art. Painting, poetry, music and even plays.

Three powerhouse women combine humour with terror as they present works of art by serial killers.

SOLD OUT RUN - Edmonton Fringe 2023

SOLD OUT RUN - Vancouver Fringe 2023

Pick of the Fringe - Vancouver Fringe 2022

4 1/2 STARS - Edmonton Journal

Bella Ciccone, Katie-Rose Connors, Paulina Pino Rubio

Blair Moro

Show Info:
60 minutes


Coarse Language, Violent Content, Sexual Content, Graphic Violence, Cartoonish violence, death, mental illness/disorders

Wed July 17 6:15 PM
Fri July 19 8:15 PM
Sat July 20 2:45 PM
Sun July 21 1:00 PM
Wed July 24 8:15 PM
Thu July 25 3:45 PM
Fri July 26 12:45 PM
Sat July 27 1:00 PM
Sun July 28 4:45 PM

Cabaret of Murder

Blair Moro—CCFM Salle Pauline-Boutal

I wondered how much I would like this concept. People everywhere revel over the music of Michael Jackson and personally, I don’t think we should celebrate the work of a kiddie-rapist. I know; the courts found him not-guilty. However, in the interviews with the jury members afterwards, they all said they knew he did it, but in the eyes of the law, there was not enough evidence to convict him.

Now we have this show celebrating the “artistry” of convicted mass murderers. I come into every show with an open mind but I was fully prepared to hate the work, simply because I hate the authors/writers/poets, and I despise observing the work of societal maniacs.

Then I find the cast calling the works of these heinous people “shit,” and other colourful adjectives. I’m still curious as to how they came about the idea of displaying the “art” of these monsters, but all right, if we’re going to mock them for being poor efforts, I’m on board.

Unexpectedly, they call out Michael Jackson for the child molester that he is! Okay, now you won me over and I can just sit back, relax, and have a good time—and despite the macabre background, there were some good times.

Ray Yuen