Creating Rem Lezar

Rem Lezar Theatre—John Hirsch Mainstage

Creating Rem Lezar is a 1989 direct to video musical for kids. It’s 48 minutes long and has since the mid aughts built an online cult following. Creating Rem Lezar is a 2023 fringe show musical for kids. It’s 42 minutes long, entirely follows the film, and I have no clue who this is for. Well, I know who it’s for, but it’s for a very particular kind of person who likes online content about “so bad it’s good” movies from the 80s. For kids the plot could be a bit twee, and for adults who aren’t in the know there were some technical flubs and the general kid musical aesthetic isn’t something most enjoy. If this sounds like your jam I think you’ve already seen it by now, but if you haven’t, it’s what it says on the tin. My partner, who this was made for, watched it with me and she said that the actor playing Rem Lazar did a better job than in the original film. Take from that what you will.

Josh Fidelak