Dude, Where’s My Karma?

Fedor Comedy—MTC Up the Alley

If you’re in the mood for a wonderful, straight up comedy show, this will do beautifully! Fedor Ikelaar, originally from Amsterdam, says he couldn’t afford to live in the Netherlands and now resides in, of all places, Bulgaria.

He’s affable, engaging, and delivers a rewarding show that will leave you smiling. His charming accent doesn’t hurt either. He covers a wide range of topics and gives the audience an interesting insight into life in other countries. He’s genuinely thrilled to be doing his first Canadian show and you won’t regret taking this in. You can even learn what a ‘swaffle‘ is. Don’t even try to guess.

Lisa Campbell

Fedor Comedy

Dude, Where’s My Karma?—MTC Up the Alley

Comments from the audience after the 1st try-out:

“A laughter filled journey that ends with look inside the reality of the war in Ukraine. Sincere, hilarious and kind.” – Alice (U.K.)

“Never before have I been so captivated and touched during a comedy show, why is this not on Netflix?” – David (US)

“Besides just being hilarious it had all the ingredients I really appreciate: intelligent humour, authenticity, self-irony and a profound message at the end!” – Irina (MD)