Fake ‘n’ Bake

Oh Hello Productions!—John Hirsch Mainstage

It is definitely not easy talking about one’s battle with addictions and chorus of ‘inner critics’, and to share that talk with an audience of strangers takes a lot of moxie. To do it in a way that gets the message across and be entertaining, that takes talent, and Ellie Heath definitely makes the grade in that department.

A very inspirational performance that is quite moving.

Murray Hunter

Fake ‘n’ Bake

Oh Hello Productions!—John Hirsch Mainstage

All I have to say is wow. Ellie’s physicality is amazing, and I was never confused about what character she was portraying. Her switches between characters was so clear, and you could easily tell when she’s being the voices in her head as opposed to outside characters. Her set was very effective, and I’m really happy with how much she utilized it to further her story. I would recommend this show to anyone and everyone, it was funny, and heartfelt, and sad, and all around a wonderful show and so very raw and real.

Al Gilbert

Oh Hello Productions!

Fake ‘n’ Bake—John Hirsch Mainstage

“What sets Fake n’ Bake and the production directed by Kristi Hansen apart is its inventive storytelling and vivid theatricality; it has a reason to be on a theatre stage. Despite its serious subject matter it’s downright fun and funny.” -Liz Nicholls, 12thnight.ca

“Ellie Heath’s experience is relatable and shared genuinely.” -Info Edmonton (Pick of the Fringe)

Opening Night, Thursday, July 20th at 8pm, is with ASL Interpretation. It’s at the John Hirsch Mainstage, so there’ll be plenty of space and close to everything!