Good Grief

Gangland Productions—MTC Up the Alley

James Gangl is many things, writer, stand-up comic, mime, but above all else a story teller. I was lucky enough to see him several years ago and was not disappointed this go around. If you think a show about the death of your dad can’t possibly be funny, Gangl is here to prove you wrong. Honest, raw, and relatable this story had me feeling every emotion. There is a trigger warning for good reason. Gangl shared memories from his past that are painful and heartbreaking. You really feel for the performer through all moments of the show. An incredibly gifted performer that we are lucky to have another show from this year. Powerful and moving, make sure you bring tissues.

Kaitlyn Kriss

Gangland Productions

Good Grief—MTC Up the Alley

If you see only 77 shows at fringe this year, make Good Grief #77. Good Grief is a very funny show about very sad things and it follows James as he learns to love his mother only after his father dies. There are laughs, tears, and fart sound fx. Come get real and get real silly.