Grease, Too!

Tyson Comedy—The Cinematheque

Arriving at the venue, I was welcomed by the artist to “her” basement, as she excitedly gets us ready for a Grease movie marathon. Pass the Oreos, you BET we’re going to sing along.

It was a heartfelt experience, seeing both films at lightning speed through the eyes of an 11 year old girl. Her endearing, comedic explanations of the film have a sweet sort of innocence despite adult content. I’ve had my own opinions about the first film (I hadn’t seen the second one) and have been critical at times about its message. But to see how the little girl saw Sandy as a feminist presented me with an opportunity to reconsider my understanding. A young girl experiencing struggles of her own can escape into beloved films that provide her with a safe space to be herself and love the things she’s into. It’s certainly something I can relate to. Kid’s have an uncanny ability to have honest clarity and see right through to the heart of things while other things fly right over their heads, as is often appropriate. It was so refreshing to see the films from a new perspective in a funny, relatable way, while also touching on far more serious themes. There’s wisdom here that I very much appreciate. Grease is the word!!

Calantha Jensen