
All About Theatre Kids—Kids Venue: MTYP – Mainstage

Peter Pan and Captain Hook are at it again in a retelling of the classic story of Peter Pan. It’s a simple story told with some witty one liners. This all child cast brought their ’A-game’ for this delightful Kids Fringe show. The acting was quite good and believable. The dance numbers were enjoyable and the singing was great! There were moments were the acting was a bit over the top. Our main villain often favoured scream-acting their lines for a laugh. This made it difficult to understand what they were saying. There also were numerous points of audio feedback unfortunately. Stand outs were a sassy Tink and witty Smee who both at points stole the show with their excellent deliveries. A great show to bring the kids for an afternoon of fun!

Kaitlyn Kriss