
Gregoire Entertainment—Théâtre Cercle Molière

Amazing mental feats are at hand at Cercle Molière through talents of Patrick Grégoire. A very impressive show of mental fortitude. There were many moments of me going I don’t know how he did that. He did a variety of tricks using a good chunk of the audience. Most of the tricks I hadn’t seen before which was refreshing. The performer did have a schtick where he would ‘get something wrong’ then do a big reveal that he’d been right all along. This was cool the first time but it became tiresome after 3 or 4 times. Great tricks but it seemed somewhat sloppy with so many pretend failures.

Kaitlyn Kriss

Gregoire Entertainment

Mindreader—Théâtre Cercle Molière

Leave your preconceptions at the door and surrender to the enigmatic
spectacle that is ‘Mindreader’! Witness the inexplicable as Winnipeg
magician Patrick Gregoire uncovers the thoughts of complete strangers in
the audience with astonishing precision in a show that is both
entertaining and absolutely incredible.

Get your tickets today and embark on a mind-bending odyssey that will
shatter the boundaries of what you thought possible – or at the very
least, you’ll have a great time!