by Trip the Light Theatre Collective
Trip the Light Theatre Collective - Ottawa, ON
V.8 - The Rachel Browne Theatre 
Does your clubbing experience need more theatre, comedy and choreographed numbers? Then Nuit is the spot for you! Follow four queer characters as they stumble and sing their way through a night out: the cycle of partying on full, messy display.

Bright lights, funky moves, deep talks and hilarious pit stops showcase themes of friendship and identity. Get ready for a night you'll never remember!

Sarah Ivanco, Glenys Marshall, Meghan Burns, Mirana Rambelo

Sophie Goyette-Hamels

Show Info:
60 minutes
Physical Theatre

Parental Guidance

Coarse Language, Sexual Content, Nudity, scenes depicting substance use

Wed July 17 6:15 PM
Fri July 19 8:15 PM
Sun July 21 12:45 PM
Wed July 24 11:00 AM
Thu July 25 2:45 PM
Fri July 26 10:00 PM
Sat July 27 12:45 PM
Sun July 28 6:00 PM


Trip the Light Theatre Collective—The Rachel Browne Theatre

A friend of mine recently said they didn’t see Fringe shows because they heard it is all stuff that no one gets. I can see this as one of those shows that some people “would not get.” To me, it was quite transparent, but even if you don’t get it, who cares? Just have a good time! The songs are catchy, and the skits are entertaining. I expected a lot more interpretive dance but that’s part of Fringe: you don’t always get what you imagine, but so long as you enjoy what’s there, what more can you ask?

Ray Yuen