Racism from the Eyes of a Racist
by Ray Yuen
Squid Eye Lens Productions - Winnipeg, MB
V.9 - Planetarium 
What's it like to be born believing your race is better than every other race in the world?
From earliest memory, my family taught me that my race was superior. Then my first day in school, I realized mine was the only face that wasn't White…
…and I didn't speak English.
My school years made me a racist, then one pivotal point changed my perspective.
Are you racist? The discussion has a voluntary questionnaire assessing your own racist tendencies. Discover if you have any racist tendencies. (Hint: we all have!)

Ray Yuen

Show Info:
60 minutes

Parental Guidance

Coarse Language, Ethnically or racially offensive language, discussions about hate

Thu July 18 7:45 PM
Sat July 20 12:30 PM
Wed July 24 11:00 AM
Thu July 25 4:15 PM
Fri July 26 8:00 PM
Sat July 27 6:15 PM
Sun July 28 1:00 PM

Squid Eye Lens Productions

Racism from the Eyes of a Racist—Planetarium

Mother taught me that the Chinese were better than everyone else: “we invented gunpowder when they were still apes.” Then I went to school and kids called me names like Ching-chong, Flip, Jap, Nip, Slant-eyes, Chink, Commie, Chinaman and Gook. Did I have any choice but to grow up racist and hateful?

Come join me in my journey as I hated my way through life and somehow became a humanist and Ally. Or just come for the swag!