Sad Girl Songs: A Comedy Show

Gwen Coburn—John Hirsch Mainstage

The songs aren’t sad, the majority are witty and extremely edgy. She opened with a song about how anyone operating a clit should know what it is. It’s the girl that’s sad. As are all aware women who have had to deal with abusive men.

Sad, exhausted, confused and damaged. It takes real finesse to handle tragic subjects with humour and intelligence. While interweaving the story of her sexual and emotional manipulation by a mentor at her workplace, she manages to gift us with an interactive and very worthwhile performance. She makes great use of the huge screen at this enormous venue with her version of Ted Talks- Sad Talks.

This show is not depressing. It’s astute and realistic; showing how far both sexes still have to progress for equality. And that survival and joy after are possible. Thank you Gwendolyn Coburn!

Lisa Campbell

Gwen Coburn

Sad Girl Songs: A Comedy Show—John Hirsch Mainstage

WINNER- 2021 National Search For The Funniest Mami (Brava Theatre)

“Coburn establishes herself as funny foul-mouthed female Noel Coward… a boldly brave work… the rare Fringe show that took me completely by surprise, and Coburn’s hilarious yet harrowing performance captured my heart” -Orlando Weekly

“Her engaging, quirky songs are packed with genuinely LOL moments… you won’t want to miss any of the lyrics or the laughs”- Amanda Painter, PF23

A musical stand-up show about Medusa, comedy, and “dark feminist stuff”