Shadow Necropolis
by Mochinosha
Mochinosha Puppet Company - Winnipeg, MB
V.8 - The Rachel Browne Theatre 
A spooky fantasy adventure. Minerva is a hero in her dreams but feels helpless in real life. When her friend is taken by Oizys, the Goddess of Anxiety, Minerva must travel through a city full of skeletons to rescue her. A touching tale for any child or adult who has ever struggled with anxiety. Featuring award-winning cinematic shadow puppetry. Hundreds of colourful puppets are projected on a large screen. From the creators of Space Hippo and Shadow Kingdom. FIVE STARS - NOW Magazine

Seri Yanai, Daniel Wishes

Seri Yanai

Show Info:
60 minutes


Thu July 18 1:00 PM
Sat July 20 8:15 PM
Sun July 21 4:15 PM
Mon July 22 11:00 AM
Wed July 24 2:30 PM
Thu July 25 9:45 PM
Fri July 26 6:30 PM
Sun July 28 4:15 PM

Shadow Necropolis

Mochinosha Puppet Company—The Rachel Browne Theatre

Shadow puppetry magic that is a show the whole family can see that takes on the effects and handling of anxiety in such a beautiful and comforting but also relatable funny way.

This is an amazing company that I don’t understand the physics of how they keep out doing themselves so well year after year.

A sequel to Shadow Kingdom so a certain DJ does reappear.

Thank you for your art.

Veronica Ternopolski

Shadow Necropolis

Mochinosha Puppet Company—The Rachel Browne Theatre

The stories and worlds that Seri and Daniel of Mochinosha Puppet Company create are always amazing with beautiful shadow puppets and projected scenery. Shadow Necropolis builds off the characters from their 2022 show Shadow Kingdom, but you do not have to have seen that to follow along. Their trademark humour is still there, with some cultural and meme references thrown in.

The story is what really grabs you, as it both literally and metaphorically deals with battling anxiety. It is handled so well you can almost miss that you are learning about different kinds of anxiety and how to cope with it.

What could be a heavy topic becomes an adventure story with challenges and conquests and plenty of laughs and suitable for a general audience. Very well done.

For those who saw Shadow Kingdom, don’t worry, DJ Slug makes a few appearances as well.

Murray Hunter