The Barn Identity

Other Erika Presents—Creative Manitoba

In the program blurb for Erika MacDonald’s solo show it has part of a review from the KC Fringe Review that says “As if pulled straight from a Joni Mitchell song”. Normally I wouldn’t crib parts of another review, but they really nailed it. The structure of this show is like a song, in that there are parts that are repeated (like a Chorus) to stress their importance, then there are deeper dives into the past with similar themes (the Verse) and finally there are a few parts in between that are a complete break (the Bridge).

As for the content itself, she tells us she is telling a story about barns falling down, actually a deep metaphor for the actual story. I won’t say too much more except to say it is a strong storytelling effort with a nice recorded soundtrack (by Paul Strickland) [Note: He will be playing the soundtrack live on Saturday July 29th] on how we get through life’s challenges.

This one has been selling out, so you are probably best to get advanced seating. There is also an elevator to get to the 4th floor (ask the Fringe volunteers so you get the right door).

Murray Hunter