The Blabbermouth, the Puff Monster, and the Wolf

Merlyn Productions—Tom Hendry Warehouse

I had sincerely no idea what to expect walking into this show; I chose it more or less at random, but as I sat in a theatre filled with lively Ukrainian folk music, I couldn’t help but feel like this was a special treat! I have Ukrainian roots on my mom’s side and have been involved with Ukrainian folk dance most of my life, but I’m afraid I’ve otherwise been rather distant from the culture. This is a storytelling show featuring three favourite tales of Ukrainian children’s folklore. What I love about shows like these are the ways that I can recognize elements and themes of stories and folklore common across cultures, which hold lessons and messages not only for the children they are intended, but serve a purpose to preserve our histories and wisdom.

Considering the current conflict overseas as well, it was beautiful to see Ukraine celebrated and its culture shared in this festival. As for me, it was wonderful to learn children’s stories that I didn’t know and reconnect to the music I love. Music, stories and parables are important to all of us, and sharing them is how we keep our heritage alive and connect with one another. A very sweet show.

Calantha Jensen

Merlyn Productions

The Blabbermouth, the Puff Monster, and the Wolf—Tom Hendry Warehouse

FAMILY-FRIENDLY fun! Twelve local talents re-create three traditional Ukrainian folk-tales in under 1 hour, using cheap props for even cheaper laughs (cheap tickets, too – they’re all just $10 at the door)!

Better than All-You-Can-Eat Borscht, and funnier than a Babushka with a big stick (although we’ve got one of those, as well)!

Merlyn Productions Theatre Company is back on stage after 3 years. Bring the kids (and bring Baba, too)!