The Club Soda Improv Show
by Club Soda Improv
Club Soda Improv - Winnipeg, MB
V.10 - The Asper Centre for Theatre & Film (U of W) 
Something's bubbling up under the stage lights. Winnipeg's premier improv group brings their beloved form of comedic chaos back to the Winnipeg Fringe. Club Soda invites you to join them in weaving a wild web of hilarity as every show promises to be a brand new flavour of fun.
4 1/2 STARS Clearly seasoned veterans…A bubbly treat worthy of multiple viewings - The Manitoban
A classic and solid improv show - Jenny Revue
4 1/2 STARS Club Soda doesn't know what's going on. - Winnipeg Free Press

Jesse Bergen, Kristen Einarson, Kimberly Florian, Monique Gauthier, Cuinn Joseph, Kevin Ramberran, Thomas Toles, Kerri Woloszyn

Caity Curtis

Show Info:
60 minutes

Parental Guidance

Coarse Language, Violent Content, Improv means anything can happen!

Thu July 18 1:00 PM
Sat July 20 10:00 PM
Sun July 21 2:45 PM
Mon July 22 11:00 AM
Tue July 23 4:45 PM
Thu July 25 9:30 PM
Fri July 26 6:00 PM
Sun July 28 4:15 PM

The Club Soda Improv Show

Club Soda Improv—The Asper Centre for Theatre & Film (U of W)

These folks are always a highlight of the Fringe for me. As always improv represents a variable and unpredictable format for a show, and thus rather difficult to review, with the quality of the show being more of a range than anything else. But over the years of watching them perform, it’s extremely clear that they’re just really good at what they do.

Replacing last year’s theme of a manic director with a more accessible format of a loosely connected hour long improv session structured with improv games was a good decision, if only to keep things fresh for repeat viewers. Always worth a watch, especially for any fans of improv as a genre.

Josh Fidelak