The Comaback Kid

Lykos Theatre—Théâtre Cercle Molière

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I sat down in this theatre. Is this a comedy that will split my sides with laughter? Or a soul-searching journey that tugs at the heartstrings? Psst: it’s the latter.

I would have called this journey “brave” but de Jong says it’s not, so I won’t.

Ray Yuen

Lykos Theatre

The Comaback Kid—Théâtre Cercle Molière

Get your ringside seats to the ultimate battle of Brain vs Body as Mike de Jong tells the harrowing true story of spending his 30th birthday in a diabetic coma. Struck down in his prime, Mike shows just what it takes to pull yourself out of the deepest depths. Don’t miss this sleeper hit that is guaranteed to contain the Best Story you’ll hear at the Fringe this year!