The Dungeons 'n' Dragons Improv Show XV: The Skeleton Key
by the DnD Improv Show
Miki Media Inc. - Winnipeg, MB
V.18 - The Park Theatre 
Corruption consumes Heropolis! As the new Queen fights to save her kingdom, The Inspector hunts down the criminals tearing it apart. But danger lurks in the shadows--
The power-hungry Archmage of the Mages Guild plots to steal the Skeleton Key from the leader of the Thieves Guild, a secret magical artifact capable of opening any door.
Can a ragtag group of bandits, outlaws and miscreants stop the Archmage and secure the Skeleton Key before it's too late?! Find out at the DnD Improv Show!
Every review for the past 14 years: FIVE STARS

Jesse Miki, Sam McLean, Jeremy Plett, Riva Billows, Cathy Herbert, Bev Katherine, Kenton Dyck, Michael Barkman, Edward Bosnjak

Jesse Miki

Show Info:
60 minutes


Coarse Language, Violent Content, Nudity, Strobe Lights, Smoke or Fog

Wed July 17 9:30 PM
Thu July 18 9:30 PM
Fri July 19 9:30 PM
Sat July 20 9:30 PM
Sun July 21 9:30 PM
Tue July 23 9:30 PM
Wed July 24 9:30 PM
Thu July 25 9:30 PM
Fri July 26 9:30 PM
Sat July 27 9:30 PM

The Dungeons ‘n’ Dragons Improv Show XV: The Skeleton Key

Miki Media Inc.—The Park Theatre

If you saw posters for this show with the character Oakley the dryad and got excited for this show, might as well not even bother. Through the unjust workings of fate and an oversized d20, she was taken from us, eaten by a jacked ladybug, leaving the forest unprotected and her story, tragically, untold.

I figure there are two types of people reading this, those who have seen DnD improv over the last 14 iterations and those who have not. If you have, it’s DnD improv. The props might be a little better, and they had a lot of fun with smashing the fake glasses over each other. If you haven’t, it’s a mostly planned, sometimes random improvised fantasy adventure played out over each night the show runs.

I dunno, man, it’s funny. Check it out if you somehow haven’t before.

Josh Fidelak