Blanket Fort Theatre

The Perfect Pants—Kids Venue: MTYP – Mainstage

Giggles is a young clown growing out of her most favorite things and she has to come up with a plan to deal with it. There’s juggling, balancing, silly songs and some magic. Lots of audience interaction and a relaxed theatre environment so you can get up and move if needed, or go to the bathroom and come back. (Wouldn’t it be weird if there weren’t any bathrooms? Then we would have to be like the Geese and poop everywhere!) We would love to see you.

The Perfect Pants

Blanket Fort Theatre—Kids Venue: MTYP – Mainstage

Giggles the clown is here to answer the question, what do you do when your favourite pair of pants becomes too small. Perfectly embodying the creativity and innocence of a small child, giggles goes on a camping adventure to prevent such a crime from ever happening again. I figured this would be a cute clown show, what I didn’t expect were some amazing circus acts! Very cute, aimed at the much younger crowd. An excellent choice for a little ones first Fringe.

Kaitlyn Kriss