The Spice of Life
by Leith Clark
Leithelle Productions - Winnipeg, MB
V.4 - CCFM Salle Pauline-Boutal 
Playwright Leith Clark didn't have to look any further than daytime television for inspiration. The characters in his take-off soap opera spoof live in Savoury City, and have names like Ginger, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Sage, Anise, Thyme and Clove. The stories are appropriately and weirdly co-mingled and so impossible to even attempt to convey in this brief space - but it's less the content than the comic touches that make this one a winner. - Leanne Campbell, Westender Vancouver

Leith Clark

Show Info:
60 minutes

Parental Guidance

Mild Language

Thu July 18 12:45 PM
Fri July 19 6:30 PM
Sun July 21 4:30 PM
Tue July 23 11:00 AM
Wed July 24 6:30 PM
Thu July 25 12:00 PM
Fri July 26 4:15 PM
Sat July 27 8:15 PM

The Spice of Life

Leithelle Productions —CCFM Salle Pauline-Boutal

A satire of one of the longest running forms of television entertainment, the American soap opera, The Spice of Life had no shortage of tropes to pull from. And pull it did. In the presumably picturesque Savory City, everyone is sleeping with everyone, chronology is irrelevant, and moguls have no shortage of schemes and leverage. The cast was expansive, allowing for endless familial ties and giving the feel of walking into a serial halfway through when the writers have started to write themselves into a corner. Soap operas aren’t my thing, so I wasn’t expecting to get much out of the gags, but the camp inherent to the genre carried a lot of them. That being said, the commitment to the bit was lacking from some performances; it would have been nice to see a run with absolutely no fear of overacting. After all, that’s not possible in this genre. This, combined with missed cues from both performers and tech, made for a bumpy experience that would do well with ironing out.

Arden Pruden