The Tempest

Indifferently Reformed—Royal Albert Arm

I’ve been a huge Shakespeare fan for decades. I’ve acted in plays, I’ve studied Shakespeare in University, and I’ve even written some Shakespeare-themed shows. “The Tempest” is my favorite of them all, the last show Shakespeare wrote, and his magnum opus, in my opinion. I’m always hesitant whenever I see a production of this masterpiece, for fear of what could happen to it. No worries here. Indifferently Reformed brings a youthful cast bubbling with energy and joyous enthusiasm to the stage, accompanied by live music and wonderfully directed by Jordan Phillips. The result is seventy-five minutes of giddy pleasure that breezes past far too quickly, and left me thinking “wait…it’s over already?” The entire cast shines, embracing their roles with evident glee that’s impossible not to become swept up with. Well-staged, wonderfully acted, and perfectly paced, “The Tempest” is not to be missed!

Mike Seccombe

The Tempest

Indifferently Reformed—Royal Albert Arms

The large cast did an admirable job performing the Shakespeare play, and aside from a few character gender switches, seemed to keep to the standard script. The show was accompanied by live music which combined with some great costumes enhanced the performance.

David Lange was well suited to the role of Prospero and was a standout. Well worth seeing if you are a Shakespeare fan.

Murray Hunter