This Calls for Danger

Hogans Circus—Royal Albert Arms

This show started six minutes late and faced a host of technical difficulties, which is sometimes part of opening day. I was concerned we would not get out on time because of it but the performer was very cognisant of time and ended the show exactly when it is scheduled to end—that was nice work.

As Oddly describes in the programme, this is a “sideshow act” and that’s exactly what you get. As a scientist, I can explain some of the stunts through science, but no one wants to read that. Some of them are harder to explain, and it’s all part of being an illusionist. Don’t get me wrong: this is not a magic show, but there are tricks involved.

Oddly executes most of them very well and there are moments of genuine gut-splitting laughter. Part of it is Oddly’s engagement and part of it is the enthusiasm of the audience. This is the kind of show where you get out of it as much as you put into it. Walk in, grab a drink (licensed and ≥18 only), cringe at some moments, laugh at others, and wow at the rest. Want to up your level of engagement? Be an audience volunteer—you’ll have plenty of opportunity.

Ray Yuen