Why Not Murder Mother

TBA Productions—John Hirsch Mainstage

I recognised some of the actors from this company right away and knew I saw them last year. Then about halfway through the show, I thought to myself, “are they re-doing the same show?” Even after the denouement, conclusion and closing, I wasn’t sure if I already saw this story. As soon as I got home, I looked it up to see if it indeed is the same show, and it is not. However, the familiarity is so etched that this company followed the exact same formula that they used last year, and perhaps from years before too. If you experience déjà vu somewhere along the journey, you’ll know why.

As for the show, I’ll use a metaphor. I have spent my entire life living in The Prairies so I’m very familiar with flat lands. I also travel a lot so I’m quite familiar with mountainous roads. Watching this show is like driving on a steep mountainous road in a snowstorm. You never know when the plot takes a turn, and before the turn is over, another one ploughs towards you. The first part of the show sets the stage, then the switchbacks keep your head turning and you never know if/when you’re going to fall off the cliff. That is the adventure in discovering who tried to murder mother.

It’s a fun journey and it keeps you guessing until the very end.

Ray Yuen